National Gardening Week 2023

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) are in the midst of the nation’s biggest horticultural celebration as they invite you to join them for a week of gardening across the UK, in the lead up to the coronation of King Charles III.

This year the theme for #NationalGardeningWeek is ‘Create Your Coronation Container’ as the RHS calls on people to celebrate King Charles and his love of horticulture by creating colourful planting schemes in whatever available space they may have, whether that be a window box, a hanging basket, or even an old pair of wellies.

The King is known as a champion of the environment and an ardent supporter of the nation’s passion for gardening, so the RHS is inviting people to produce jubilant planting schemes to mark the beginning of his reign. Participants are encouraged to let their imaginations run riot in concocting colourful displays, whether they feature a nod to the King in the form of his favourite flower, the delphinium, or perhaps Alchemilla Mollis, the preferred plant of the Queen Consort. 

National Gardening Week raises awareness of the difference that gardens and gardening can make to the lives of everyone in the UK. It inspires more people, particularly the next generation of gardeners, to experience the joy of growing and creating beautiful green spaces.

Gather inspiration for your Coronation Container or outdoor space at one of our upcoming RHS visits.

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For more information about National Gardening Week, visit the RHS website at: