Celebrating International Women's Day

On international Womens' Day, we want to pay tribute to all the ladies who've helped us to reach our 100 year anniversary. So a big thank you to our present team - Debs, Dee, Jacqui and Steph - along with their recent predecessors Jo, Jenny, Angela and Sue.

We're still in touch with two lovely ladies who worked for Harry over 50 years ago - thank you Wendy Landin - it's great to catch up with your news occasionally - and thank you Rosemary Morton - starting your working  life at Shaws clearly set you on the path to success!

We also say a big thank you to the wives, partners and families of our team, past and present. Your support doesn't go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

We can't forget all the lovely ladies that have travelled with us over the years.  We've been so fortunate to have had - and still have - so many loyal customers.  It's certainly true to say that we wouldn't be celebrating our centenary if it hadn't been for you!

One other group of ladies has also been key to our development since the advent of deregulation in the 1980's - the GITS!  We say a BIG thank you to the trailblazing 'Girls in Tourism' who recognised the potential of working with coach tour operators, supported our efforts, gave us access to some super products, shared their knowledge and worked with us to develop our tourism offering. Never more than a phone call away, we thank them for their support and their friendship. Too many to mention but you know who you are and we're so happy to still be working with many of you!

Finally, there's the family ladies, all of whom have supported their partners, and especially those who have worked within the business. Jane, Tory and three Mrs. Shaw's have all played a direct part - Richard's wife, Carol, makes sure that we pay our bills on time. For many years, Harry's wife, Doreen, made sure that our staff were paid on time. Before all of them came, Edwin's wife, Sarah Anne ('Nan') whose enthusiasm, drive and sheer hard work really started the ball rolling 100 years ago.   

Ladies, the Shaw men salute you all!