Christmas Jumper Day

Updated 14.12.22 - Thank you to everyone that popped in to see us, we raised a total of £112 for Save the Children and had a lovely festive day.

On Thursday 8th December we’ll be dressed in our finest festive knits with goodies for sale and prizes to be won, all in aid of Save the Children. This will be Save the Children’s 11th annual Christmas Jumper Day! And guess what, it’s going to be the best one yet! This year, the UK government's promised to give the same amount as you give. So, every time you give £2 to Save the Children, they give £2. 

Pop down to our Maxey office at 49 High Street (Christmas jumper optional, but encouraged!) with a £2 donation for Save The Children and enter our prizewinning sweepstake. Tuck in to a Mince Pie (or some of Jane’s delicious homemade fudge) and catch up with the team. We’ll be taking our Christmas Jumper photo at 11am (come along and get in the shot), or pop in any time before 4pm, everyone is welcome for the festive fun!

Hope to see you there,

Steph, Debs, Dee and all the team